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Proposition development: elevating the postgraduate accomodation experience.

Unite Students is one of the UK’s biggest brands for student accommodation, with properties spread throughout university towns and cities across the nation. Competition is strong, so Unite Students are always looking at new ways to differentiate and to meet student needs even better, with the ultimate goal of driving retention amongst those studying multi-year courses, recommendation from existing residents to potential new ones and increased revenue through providing additional services.

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The recipe for building loyalty.

Gousto - a meal kit retailer - is a high-growth brand experiencing a phenomenal level of new customer acquisition. With that comes opportunities and challenges for long term retention and spend, even more so given the use of discounting to encourage trial across the category. Building long term attitudinal loyalty remains a huge opportunity – to retain and grow existing customers and help drive further advocacy and growth. 

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Investing in your brand.

Royal London have focused on building a strong brand and excellent customer experience that provide a foundation for loyalty. The next step – to measure the impact of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) activity to ensure Royal London can lead on the agenda, and build brand magnetism and long-term growth.

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Insight led approaches.

City & Guilds is on a mission to become more customer centric. Thanks to new loyalty insight, its stakeholders now have a better way to predict future behavioural change and commercial impact.

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Improving brand loyalty.

Knauf UK & Ireland required new insight to guide the development of their brand strategy. With new market understanding, and brand positioning and magnetism, they can now build even greater brand loyalty and align it with hallmarks of commercial growth.